
Volunteer Opportunities and Committee Descriptions

Travilah PTA works through various committees in the areas of programs, fundraising and services to accomplish its goal.

Below is a list of some jobs that Travilah parents have filled in the past. Most involve working on a committee with a Committee Chair, a few are committee positions for which no Chairperson has yet been selected, and some are individual tasks coordinated by Travilah staff or the Volunteer Coordinators. When you indicate an interest in a job, we will forward your name to the Committee Chair or Travilah staff member involved. Those individuals will then contact you as you are needed. If something sounds intriguing, but the description leaves you with some questions, please feel free to contact the Volunteer Coordinator Jing Geeng travilahptavolunteers@gmail.com. We will be happy to address your concerns.

When filling the Volunteer Form, just place a check mark in front of any positions that might interest you. You will, of course, not be called upon to help with everything that you have not expressed an interest in. In addition, if you have a great volunteering idea that is not on our list, please share your ideas and suggestions with us in the space at the end of this form! THANKS FOR VOLUNTEERING!

You can volunteer in:

🎨 Art Room | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

(frequency to be determined)

Assist the art teacher with preparation for students’ art classes and displaying students’ artwork throughout the school building. The art room coordinator will contact parents to schedule times.

🍎 Back to School Picnic

Assist chairperson in set up, cleanup, games, etc. for this event.

🎲 Bingo Night

Assist the chairperson in the planning and running of a night full of family fun!

📚 Book Fair | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

Assist the chairperson in setting up the Fair in the Media Center, assist students in selecting books appropriate for their grade level, fill book orders, cashiering and break-down at the end of the week. The Book Fair is a fundraiser that benefits our Media Center.

🖥️ Classroom/Computer Aide

(frequency to be determined)

Sign up with individual teachers. Please keep in mind that not all teachers are able to use parents as aides. You are always welcome to assist any teacher that needs you, not just your own child’s.

✂️ Classroom Material Preparation

(frequency to be determined)

Assist teachers and staff with classroom material preparation after school or at home. In addition, some teachers need help with book club orders on a monthly basis. Please keep in mind that not all teachers are able to use parents as aides. You are always welcome to assist any teacher that needs you, not just your own child’s.

🌍 Community Service Projects

(various times during the school year)

Help the Community Service Representative with Travilah’s efforts to serve our community.

🎭 Cultural Arts

(various times during the school year)

Assist the chairperson with planning programs and assemblies for our students, coordinating arrangements for these events and assist the day of the events.

🏆 Field Day

(during school hours sometime in May/June)

Assist the PE teacher in supervising students participating in this activity.

🎓 Fifth Grade Recognition

This is a job for fourth or fifth grade parents. Fifth grade parents assist the chairperson plan the end of year celebration for the fifth graders. They also help prepare a memory book for the fifth graders. Fourth grade parents plan and serve food for the reception following the recognition ceremony.

🎃 Halloween Happenings

(afternoon of October 31st)

Halloween Happenings is a fun hour of refreshments and simple Halloween crafts for younger siblings and parents of Travilah students following the Halloween parade. Help the chairperson furnish refreshments and help run the games and crafts. Note: this event is simultaneous with classroom parties… so this is not for room parents.

☕ Hospitality

(events throughout the year)

Do some baking or shopping at the request of the Volunteer Coordinators a few times during the year for special PTA functions and meetings. Assistance may also be needed for serving and cleanup at these functions.

🎄 Holidays Around the World

Decorate the school for these celebrations; help with Holiday related activities for students during recess.

🤸 Jump Rope for the Heart

Assist the PE teacher in collecting donations obtained by students (grades 3-5) and assist in supervision of students participating in this activity.

🎒 Kindergarten Orientation

(during school hours in May)

Help welcome students and parents of the incoming kindergarten class.

🍕🛝 Lunch & Recess | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

Help staff during lunch & recess to ensure that students have safe and enjoyable experiences during their break

📖 Media Center Aide | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

Assist the staff of the Travilah Media Center. Duties include shelving books, checking books in and out for students, helping students select books appropriate for their grade level, and assisting with other projects as needed. The Media Center is a great place to begin volunteering if you haven’t had the opportunity to do so before.

🎬 Movie Nights

Assist the chairperson with set up, ticket selling, drink and snack stands and clean up after.

🌸 Nowruz Celebration | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

🖨️ Photocopy Volunteer

(ongoing during the school year, flexible hours)

Make paper photocopies as requested by teaching staff using the school machine. No previous experience required, instructions will be given, easy to use.

📸 Picture Days | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

Help with crowd control on the day of individual school pictures. You will escort students from their classrooms to the photographer and back.

✍️ Principal’s Writing Wall

(one to two hours, once or twice a month)

Assist the Principal with displaying student artwork and/or writing work on this wall for staff and visitors to see.

📝 Reading/Math Assistant

(one to two hours once a week or every other week; or several times a week on a 30-minute basis)

Assist teachers by working directly with students one on one or in small groups to help them with their reading and/or math assignments. This very rewarding work with the children is a continuing commitment throughout the school year.

👩‍🏫 Room Parent

(responsible for two class parties during the year)

Responsible for two class parties during the year. Please complete the Room Parent Form enclosed in the PTA Back to School Packet and return it in your child’s school folder or to the PTA desk in the front office.

🌸 School Beautification/Garden Committee

(weekly watering of plants and shrubs during the summer; replanting, mulching and weeding/clean up twice a year)

Assist chairperson in watering our school’s plants and shrubs throughout the summer weeks. Also, assist with the annual replanting of flowers around the sign (and where needed) in the Spring, mulching where needed, and weeding when possible. This committee will start work on this event at the beginning of the school year.

📺 Screen Free Week & Talent Show

This is a national event to encourage television-free recreational activities for elementary school children. The primary responsibility is organizing a variety show and smaller activities during this week. Assist the chairperson in setting up these activities, holding practices for those participating in the talent show and assisting the acts the night of the talent show and clean up after.

🎉 Travilahfest

The Travilah Fest is our end of the school year picnic. It is a fun filled evening of food, games, and music. This event requires the efforts of many volunteers in lots of different capacities. Among these are arranging for food and drinks, booking entertainment and games, setting up before the picnic and cleaning up after, raffles and obtaining raffle prizes. Assist the chairperson with all preparations from start to finish.

👓 Vision & Hearing Screening

Assist the school health technician with children during these important health screenings. Duties might include escorting children to and from the screenings from their classrooms. This is a good job for those who would like to help but have limited time to commit.

🌏 World Culture Night

(a school day in the Spring)

Help our Travilah families enjoy and share in the cultural diversity of our community. The festivities will include stations representing the foods, facts, and other cultural items from the various countries that comprise our student body. Come be an Ambassador to our united student body. Assist the chairperson with all preparations before, during and after.

❄️ Winter Fundraiser

Original Works art project, where children’s art work is transformed into various items parents may wish to purchase. Assist the chairperson with all preparations from start to finish; including collecting and totaling orders and distributing Original Works orders once they arrive.

❄️ Winter Wonderland Workshop | ⭐️ Sign Up to Volunteer ⭐️

Volunteer Resources:

Please email Jing Geeng travilahptavolunteers@gmail.com if you have any questions.